Take part in new home energy research and get £20


Policy pathways to justice in energy efficiency

This research has been funded by the UK Energy Research Centre (www.ukerc.ac.uk/), and is being carried out by the University of York. It will examine the way energy efficiency policies in the UK affect groups who are vulnerable to fuel poverty, and identify a sustainable direction for future policy which is fair to all consumers.

The researchers will work with the Association for the Conservation of Energy, The Children's Society, and Disability Rights UK and will showcase their findings at an event in Parliament.

They will also hold a variety of practitioner workshops to discuss the findings with people working in the sector, as well as co-producing a practical guide to energy efficiency and justice.

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How you can contribute to the research and get £20

  • Have you had, or tried to get, help with improving your home’s energy efficiency?
  • Does someone in your household have a disability or a long-term illness, or do you live with someone under the age of 16?

If you answered YES to both questions then the researchers would like to talk to you about your experience.

If you agree to take part you will be contacted by one of the research team to arrange a convenient time to come and talk to you, or speak to you on the telephone, whichever you would prefer.

They would like to discuss your views and experiences of your local energy efficiency scheme. The interview will last for up to an hour and, if you agree, it will be recorded.

If you would like someone else to be present during the interview then please feel free to invite them along.

If you do decide to take part you will be asked to sign a consent form and will receive £20 as a gesture of goodwill for taking the time to be involved.

Want to know more? See the flyer

UK Energy Research Centre and York University