Surveys on EHRC inquiry into disabled housing
The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) are investigating the chronic lack of accessible and adaptable housing available for disabled people in Britain.
Imogen Blood and Associates has been contracted by the Equality and Human Rights Commission to review housing advice available for disabled people. As a result of this evaluation, they will create a toolkit which will aim to build upon valuable existing resources and cover any gaps identified during the scoping stage of the project.
They have created two surveys;
Survey for individuals, family members, carers and support workers
Survey for representatives of groups or organisations
The aim of the surveys is to find out individuals’ experiences of seeking housing advice, as well as finding out information such as where this advice is available, who provides it, and how accessible and useful it is.
They also want to find out any ideas that people may have for developing this new toolkit, and have provided an opportunity for participants to get involved in its creation.