Celebrate voluntary and community organisations for NHS70
Webinar: Thursday 15th March 10.30-11.30am
On 5 July 2018, the NHS will celebrate its 70th birthday.NHS England is working with a wide array of partners to mark this major milestone and we’re encouraging everyone to get involved.
The 70th birthday is a great opportunity for voluntary and community organisations to:
- Shout about the fantastic work they do to support the health and care system across England
- Thank their staff and volunteers
- Share their vision for the future NHS.
Join an interactive webinar on Thursday 15th March, 10.30-11:30am.
Hosted by the Health and Wellbeing Alliance and Antony Tiernan (Director for NHS70), it will be an opportunity to get celebration ideas, share what you are doing in celebration of NHS70 and otherwise and ask questions. You will also get a sneak peek at some of the celebrations already planned!
To register for the webinar, please email england.voluntarypartnerships@nhs.net
For more information on the celebrations for NHS70, visit www.nhs70.nhs.uk or search #NHS70 on Twitter.