Access to work uprating cap to be twice average earnings


As of April 2018, the access to work cap will rise to £57,200, double average earnings, not the originally proposed £43,100 which was in line with 1.5 times average earnings.

View Parliamentary written statement - HCWS563

View our Access to Work factsheet

Access to work will be uprated annually on this basis. 

Disability Rights UK says that the increase in the cap is very welcome. We are pleased that the Government has listened to the experiences of Deaf people who need to have access to BSL interpreters to carry out their employment duties. 

However, we remain concerned that the cap does need to be more flexible. 

Whilst it is sufficient for most disabled people we think that flexibility is needed particularly regarding self-employed disabled people who may need expensive equipment to remain in employment. 

It should be possible for the cap to be exceeded in exceptional circumstances.

For further information on welfare rights, education issues and social care you will find our factsheets/guides here or for more detailed information you can order a copy of the Disability Rights Handbook from our shop