Pledgeathon event at Financial Times HQ marks new approach to fair chance of a job for disabled people


Disability Rights UK have invited all the leading businesses in the UK (FTSE 250) and the leaders of all the local councils in England and Wales to be participants in their “I can make a pledge” event at the Head Offices of the Financial Times in London on March 20th.

The pledges are to either specify positive action on inclusive recruitment and retention or for businesses to compete to deliver on it when fulfilling large public sector contracts.

The Construction Sector is being particularly singled out,” said Philip Connolly, policy manager of Disability Rights UK and event organiser. “The construction sector has a national average of 9.4% disabled staff but this is against a national average for the non-construction sector of 11.4% and a national average of some 17%. The sector is growing, has a major skills shortage and is able to reap the benefits of technology such as remote sensing or modern methods of construction that open up new job opportunities for disabled people. We are looking to those responsible for the commissioning of major projects to make a pledge or the firms that will undertake the construction of projects like the refurbishment of parliament or regional ones such as the refurbishment of Manchester town hall to pledge a measurable improvement in the numbers of disabled staff that they recruit. 

The “Pledgeathon” is the start of a campaign and you can support its aim to create 500 jobs by making a pledge at

You can also obtain a campaign pack and supportive advice via the same email address.