Tell us how your experience in the workplace is affected by workplace design


Leadership Academy Programme students, Emily Georghiou (Centre for Ageing Better) and Paul Hartley (Blind Veterans UK) are exploring the role of design in enabling inclusion in the workplace for their programme assignment.  

As part of this, they have developed a survey to try to understand people's experiences in the workplace and how this is impacted by workplace design.  

Drawing on their personal and professional experience of disability and ageing, they want to understand what more could be done to overcome barriers faced in the workplace through more inclusive design.  This is particularly important due to the growing numbers of people who identify as living with disability and our ageing population.  So how inclusive is your workplace?    

They would therefore very much appreciate if you could please take a moment to answer a few questions in this short survey by Monday 23 April to share your experience and help them understand what role design could play in creating workplaces fit for us all.  

Please also feel free to share this survey with your networks.”