Look Up petition succeeds as TFL backs campaign


On 21 June 2018 we highlighted Corry Shaw's #LookUp campaign on our website and social media.

Read Metro article

The campaign was a petition asking Transport for London (TfL) to run announcements at every stop with the message 'look up, does someone need your seat?'.

Corry says some passengers purposely avoid eye contact (Picture: Jerry Syder)

Like many other disabled people, Corry has chronic pain and desperately needs to sit down as she travels into work.

Disability Rights UK are pleased to announce that the campaign was successful.

Transport for London has now joined the Look Up campaign and has added Look Up messaging to a range of station and train announcements.

Corry's campaign shows what a disabled person can achieve. Instead of taking things lying down she fought for the right to sit down. Well done!

Victory: This petition made change with 4,162 supporters!