EU copyright law could affect organisations ability to share key information


On 20 June, the European Parliament’s Committee on Legal Affairs (JURI) voted to proceed with a bill on copyright in the digital single market.

The Bill will now go out for a vote by the rest of the EU Parliament. The UK will be one of the 28 countries voting but it is unlikely they will oppose this, given their poor track record on copyright legislation.

Article 13 of the Bill would require platforms such as Google, Microsoft and internet companies to install copyright filters on material posted, which could prevent people from seeing important information if these automatic filters block them for reasons of copyright.

In addition to this, Article 11 could require web publishers, such as Disability Rights UK and other charities, to pay a 'link tax' when posting snippets of news from other outlets, which may hinder our ability to link to key reports and news items.

For discussions on these proposals see below, though in the future this might not be allowed, unless we pay for them: