Support the DSA Claim It! campaign
The DSA Claim It! campaign offers advice and information about Disabled Students' Allowances (DSAs) and other university-led adjustments.
Find out more about the campaign
This is extra funding and support that can help university students with a wide range of disabilities and extra needs to achieve their full potential. The funding comes from the Government and doesn't have to be paid back - or your university may well be able to offer lots of extra help and support which doesn't require any funding at all.
Many people don't know about the extra support - or are worried about asking for help as they feel it may affect their career opportunities. This campaign provides an easy way to check whether you could be eligible and then links you through to relevant information and extra support.
Why do we need a DSA Claim It campaign?
- It's estimated that in 2017 nearly half the people eligible for DSA did not make a claim.
- For many students the funding from DSA and the extra support from their uni allows them to continue studying, rather than leaving their course.
- Every student deserves the help they need to achieve their true potential.
Three easy ways to support our campaign
- Help us spread the word #ClaimItDSA - share our campaign message
- Share your experience of how DSA has helped you or someone you know
- Stay up to date with the latest news from us - sign up for our newsletter

More information about student support
- our Into HE Guide
- funding higher education for disabled students
- adjustments for disabled students
- applying for disabled students’ allowances

Need help? Call our Disabled Students Helpline Telephone: 0330 995 0414 Opening hours: 11am-1pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. |