Global Disability Summit 2018 postscript


On 24 July 2018 the UK government co-hosted its first ever Global Disability Summit with the International Disability Alliance and the Government of Kenya at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in London.

Plenary session panel members

It's aim was to bring together more than 700 delegates from governments, donors, private sector organisations, charities and organisations of persons with disabilities.

Delegates were encouraged to sign up to a Charter for Change and the Summit is intended as a springboard to progress for disabled people rather than simply an event.

Find out more about the Global Disability Summit

Read Civil Society Statement at the Global Disability Summit

Disability Rights UK's CEO Kamran Malik spoke at one of the summit plenary sessions on Dignity and Respect for All: creating new norms, tackling stigma and ensuring non-discrimination.

Kamran Malick also wrote a thoughtful (and popular) blog where he addressed the irony of the Government's commitment to promoting the rights of disabled people abroad, whilst at the same time possibly being the cause of a reduction in rights for disabled people in the UK.

That being said, the event was successful in highlighting initiatives for and by disabled people throughout the world and for the pledges made by organisations committing to future action.

As such, Disability Rights UK was pleased to be associated with the event.