Supporting disabled people through traineeships consultation
Disability Rights UK has the ambition of producing a short publication on good practice in supporting disabled people on to and through traineeships and are seeking examples of good practice.
These examples might be characterised by the following:
- Candidates from a range of physical, sensory, mental health or long-term health conditions
- Flexibilities in the interpretation of rules or the application of procedures e.g. the 16-19 year old candidates bursary
- Deployment of reasonable adjustments e.g. to resolve barriers associated with communication impairments
- Innovation in support e.g. for people with mental health conditions
- Changes to the work experience or working environment
- Progression for disabled candidates undergoing a traineeship
- Flexibilities of the kind listed above in the selection of candidates
The charity wants to hear from disabled people with a good experience of traineeships, especially paid traineeships, who are willing to be quoted.
We would welcome examples bearing statements with trainees approval to tell their story.
Please respond by 17th of September 2018 to Please put the words good practice into the subject box of the email.
Thank you in anticipation of your replies.