Coronavirus ARCHIVE page

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Tier 4 has been announced for 20 million people, mainly in London and the South East. Support bubbles remain unaffected, but Christmas plans for many are severely affected. Details here: [19th Dec 2020]

More areas will be added to Tier 4 from Boxing Day. Advice for Clinically Extremely Vulnerable people in Tier 4. [21st Dec 2020]

On Wednesday 2 December, the first vaccine roll out was approved. Read more here:

On 23 November, the government released information about its winter plan and how local tiers will work after 2 December.

Guidance relating to the lockdown which comes into force on 5 November 2020 can be found here: 

On Tuesday 13 October the government released new shielding guidance:

On Tuesday 13 October the government released new shielding guidance:

On Monday 12 October the government released details of its three-tier alert system:

From Monday 14 September social gatherings must only consist of six or less people (some caveats apply).

New payment for people self-isolating guidance released 27 August 2020:

The government released it’s ‘Roadmap to Recovery’ document on 17 July 2020. They made further adjustments to this in a 31st July statement.

Links to the main FAQs, the full document, including numerous references to 'clinically extremely vulnerable people’, can be found here:

Further details of the five new ministerial-led taskforces that have been set up to develop plans for how and when closed sectors can reopen safely, following publication of the UK’s roadmap to rebuild Britain.

The government has launched a campaign, entitled ‘Safeguarding is Everyone’s Business’, to help members of the public spot and help vulnerable people under lockdown. Resources can be found here:

On 31st July, the government updated a raft of information on new safety measures across the whole of society:

On 14 July, Matt Hancock announced that from 24 July, face coverings would be mandatory in shops, as well as in NHS settings and on public transport. People with impairments which would cause them difficulties if wearing a face covering, as well as children under the age of 11, are exempt.

Exemption cards and badges are available for mobile phones or to print for people who may feel more comfortable showing something that says they do not have to wear a face covering. 

Link to Letter from Justin Tomlinson to Kamran Mallick on disabled people and Coronavirus: 

Social distancing

You will almost certainly be aware that Public Health England is advising vulnerable groups, including those with disabilities and long-term health conditions, to practice social distancing. The guidance on meeting each other safely has been updated (22nd Dec)

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has urged vulnerable groups to isolate for 12 weeks in a “period of maximum protection” from the weekend which has just passed. While this is not yet mandatory, it is very strongly advised. You can hear him speaking about this from five minutes ten seconds in on this youtube link:

On 22 June, the government announced changes for shielders:


Equality & Rights