Struggling to find a way to do a hobby, a daily task or something else? Speak to UCL Project Impactive!


At UCL Project Impactive we believe that a disability should never be a reason to stop you from doing what you want to do.

We can design a piece of equipment or accessory especially for you to help you achieve your goals, whether these are hobbies or to enable you to be an active member of the community.

We are aiming to solve challenges by making customised equipment and accessories so that you can enjoy a more independent and fulfilling life. By working closely with the user, we hope to fully understand the problem and to find a solution that fulfils any requirements and achieves the purpose. After making an initial design, we will ask you for feedback so that the product can be refined to optimise the design for your requirements. Once a design is agreed, our team will make the product and ensure it helps you achieve your goal; we hope the product will improve your daily life and enable you to do something new.

Our team consists of students across many Engineering disciplines at UCL, so we have many areas of specialist knowledge we can utilise to design an innovative product, as well as using our University workshop. Previously we have made a wheelchair side support for someone with Multiple Sclerosis to maintain her balance, an umbrella holder customised for a specific wheelchair, and a mechanism fitted to the front door to help a lady move her tri-walker and oxygen cylinder up the front stairs and into the house. Due to our varied team members, we can use our knowledge ranging from mechanical systems to coding to solve a range of problems.

Do you have a disability that affects you that think we could help with? Please contact Isobel at with your problem and situation to see if we can help! Please feel free to ask any questions about the project if you want to know more; we hope to hear from you.

UCL Project Impactive