Research project about experiences of people in the ESA Support Group


Are you in the ESA Support Group or the equivalent Universal Credit group and would like to contribute to some important government research?

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The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) have commissioned IFF Research to carry out a research project about the experiences of people in the ESA Support Group or receiving the Limited Capacity to Work element of Universal Credit (UC).  People in these groups have a health condition or disability which prevents them from working.

As part of this project, we are looking to recruit individuals in Brighton who are in the Support Group or equivalent UC group to carry out interviews with other people who are also in the Support Group or equivalent UC group.  This is often referred to as ‘peer interviewing’. If you’d like to take part as an interviewer, you will receive £25 in shopping vouchers per interview you carry out and each individual who is interviewed will also receive a £15 voucher.

IFF Research will provide you with training in interviewing techniques and ask you to interview up to 3-4 people you know, who are also in the Support Group/equivalent UC group. You would also be asked to attend a ‘debrief session’ to discuss your findings.

For more information or if you are interested in taking part in this important research please contact or Sam.Stroud@iffresearch,com or call Becky or Sam on 0207 2503035.

IFF Research is an independent research organisation which abides by the Market Research Society’s Code of Conduct. We will report findings to the DWP in an aggregated form, neither you nor those taking part in an interview will be individually identifiable in the results.  All participants’ details will be held in the strictest confidence and taking part will not affect any benefits you may be claiming nor your dealings with DWP in any way.

If you are interested in taking part, we will provide you with further information about data protection.