We welcome the extension of the Blue Badge Scheme to those with hidden disabilities


People with "hidden disabilities" including autism and mental health problems are set for a major boost when they are allowed to apply for blue parking badges.

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More about the Blue Badge Scheme

This year, the Blue Badge scheme, which allows holders to park closer to their destinations in specially-reserved bays and stay longer, is set to be rolled out further.

People with mental health problems will also be eligible to apply.

Kamran Mallick, chief executive of Disability Rights UK, said: "If we are to truly have an inclusive society that works for everyone, the Blue Badge is an essential component of this."

Kamran also said that differing levels of blue badge usage across the country was partly down to the availability of accessible public transport, with people in rural areas more dependent on cars.

He said: "The Blue Badge Scheme is an important and essential part of ensuring that we, disabled people, can participate and live our lives in society.

"With public transport not universally accessible the use of a car is essential for many.

"Being able to park closer to the destination is essential for badge-holders and can mean the difference between going out or not."