DWP has sent 150,000 fit for work letters that risk patients' health
The DWP has issued around 150,000 copies of a controversial 'fit for work' letter that doctors warn could endanger patients' health, according to the Mirror.
When someone is found’ fit for work’ following a work capability assessment, the DWP sends their GP a standard letter (ESA65B) informing them of the decision. The wording of this letter changed in August 2017 to say GPs "do not need to provide any more fit notes" to their patient - even though these are needed to keep claiming ESA during an appeal.
The Mirror highlights DWP statistics that show people were found 'fit for work' 146,500 times from September 2017 to September 2018.
The real total is likely to be higher, as figures for the last six months are not yet available.
Prof Helen Stokes-Lampard, Chair of the Royal College of GPs, told the Mirror:
“It has become clear that the wording on the current ESA65B letter has had unforeseen consequences - and as this analysis shows, could potentially have affected a significant number of people."
She added:
“Patients appealing a decision require a fit note to be able to continue to receive benefits. Without this document, their finances - and ultimately their health - are potentially at risk.
No GP wants that, and it only serves to threaten the long-standing trust that patients have in their family doctor.
As doctors, our concern is the health and wellbeing of our patients.
We are not benefits assessors and must never be used as barriers for patients to receive benefits when they are entitled to them, as ultimately, this can have a detrimental impact on their health.”
Yesterday, the Royal College of GPs and the British Medical Association (BMA) both refuted assertions from the then Minister for Disabled People, Health and Work Sarah Newton that they had 'signed off' a revised version of the DWP's ESA65B letter to GPs.
The Zacchaeus 2000 Trust has launched a petition calling in the DWP to stop sending letters telling doctors to withhold sick notes from the ill and disabled people seeking Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
Sign the #Scraptheletters petition
For more information see:
- DWP has sent 150,000 of the fit for work letters that risk patients health
- Work and Pensions Committee publishes doctors views on Fit Notes and ESA appeals