Sign up to Get Yourself Active's Webinar


Join Get Yourself Active on Wednesday 5th June, 2pm-3pm to learn about the impact the programme has had over the last four years. 

This webinar is designed to be an overview of the Get Yourself Active programme and its evaluation report covering the last four years. The webinar will be broken down into three sections which reflect the evaluation report and the three strands of Get Yourself Active's work: the local coordination model, co-production with the sports sector and the social worker guidelines.

You will hear from our research and evaluation partners regarding the development of the three strands, how we evaluated them and the important lessons we have learned. This includes the tools we have co-produced with social workers and disabled people.

The webinar will be introduced and chaired by Leanne Wightman, Project Manager of Get Yourself Active at Disability Rights UK. There will be short presentations from Brett Smith, Head of Research in the school of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences at the University of Birmingham and holds a Chair in Physical Activity and Health, and Tim Bidey, Senior Consultant at Traverse. This will be followed by a question and answer session providing the opportunity for webinar attendees to find out more about the findings from the past four years.

Over the last few years Brett Smith has worked with Get Yourself Active to co-produce the Social Worker guidelines, test the co-produced composite case study and co-produce inclusive CMO guidelines.

Tim Bidey and Traverse have been Get Yourself Active's evaluation partners since the start of the programme and have helped further our understanding and demonstrate the impact of our work.

Click on this link to register