Universal Credit: is it working?
The House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee has announced an inquiry to examine whether universal credit is meeting its original objectives, whether the policy assumptions reflected in its design are appropriate for different groups of claimants, and the extent to which universal credit meets the needs of claimants in today’s labour market and changing world of work.
The National Association of Welfare Rights Advisors (NAWRA) is keen to hear your views so that it can submit a response to the Committee. It is particularly looking at case studies that can demonstrate where things aren't working or where claimants have lost out. Or, of course, where they are working and claimants are winning.
The inquiry details can be viewed here: https://www.parliament.uk/business/committees/committees-a-z/lords-select/economic-affairs-committee/news-parliament-2019/universal-credit-inquiry-call-evidence/
NAWRA needs to receive responses by 12 February 2020. Its survey can be found here: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/8HQSFZC