Government Fails to Commit to Accessible Homes


The government has announced sweeping changes to the planning system, with a view to making it easier to build homes and hospitals. The proposals would designate areas for protection, renewal or growth. In the latter 2 areas, automatic permission to build would be granted. Councils are challenging whether such changes are needed. The government’s vision for the future speaks of beautifully designed houses and tree- lined streets, however, there is no mention of homes being built to accessibility standards.

Fazilet Hadi, DR UK’s Head of Policy said “The government’s failure to require homes to be built to accessibility standards is a huge omission. It makes sense to build homes which we can all live in, whatever our age or disability. Currently millions of disabled people live in homes which are not fit for purpose.”

“At a time when the government are developing a National Disability Strategy, the lack of commitment to accessible new build homes is deeply worrying.”

Read more on the BBC website.