Sense report shows devastating impact of reductions in social care


A new report from deafblind support charity Sense shows the full extent of the reduction of social care services under the Coronavirus Act. 

The report forms part of its Forgotten Families campaign, and is based on responses from 1,000 disabled adults living with their families.

The report shows that overnight, families had support removed and had nowhere to turn for help. There are 1.7 million disabled adults living with their families. The research showed that 75% of those surveyed had their care and support reduced without any consultation or information, with over 50% of disabled adults and carers experienced reductions in wellbeing. Sense is asking people to sign a letter to government calling for these services to be put back in place.

DR UK’s Head of Policy Fazilet Hadi said: “This evidence comes as no surprise to disabled people. The government must listen and act to overturn the devastating ongoing impacts of reductions in care and support. Whilst it is understood that some day facilities had to close, alternative support arrangements, agreed with families, should have been put in place.”

You can find out more about the Forgotten Families campaign here: