NPC Report Launched: What do People Want The Government To Do About the Environmental Crisis?

As part of the Everyone’s Environment programme, today a cross-sector group of charities have released five new briefings with findings from deliberation groups and surveys with over 750 people asking them how they want charities and government to respond to the climate and nature crises.   

The deliberation groups with young people, older people, Disabled people, and people from ethnic minority communities across the UK were run by NPC, the Race Equality Foundation, Groundwork UK, Barnardo’s, Woodcraft Folk, Re-engage, Disability Rights UK, CEMVO Scotland, and U3A. We found that:

  • All groups want more support from social charities to advocate for action on the environmental crises.
  • Contrary to the Prime Minister’s decision last week to delay environmental policies, young people and older people feel government isn’t doing enough, and all groups we spoke to want to see regulation alongside subsidy. All groups also want government to listen to them more.
  • They want charities to extend their existing support services to help them respond. 
  • Many of the groups also raised the need for better information and education from charities about environmental impacts, policy responses, and the actions that individuals can take.

You can read more detail on the findings from the deliberation groups on the Everyone’s Environment webpage.   

Letter to the Prime Minister

The Everyone’s Environment partners have written an open letter to the Prime Minister today calling on him to listen to the voices of the people we consulted in the deliberation groups and reverse his decision to delay the implementation of critical policies to reduce emissions.

Register for our upcoming Everyone’s Environment events to find out more    

The NPC will be sharing the findings from deliberation groups with young peopleethnic minority communities, and older and Disabled people at a series of free events on the 25, 26 and 28 September. They are also running events for funderstrustees and London-based charities in November.

While these events are free to attend, they are also able to offer a limited number of reimbursements of £80, to cover time spent attending the events for representatives from some organisations. More information is available on the listings for each event.

Find out more about Everyone’s Environment    

The Everyone’s Environment programme is a partnership of over 50 social and environmental charities and funders aiming to empower people from the UK’s diverse social groups to have a say on how we confront the climate and nature crises. If you’d like to join or find out more, please get in touch with NPC.