New guide to Adult Disability Payment in Scotland launched


Adult disability payment (ADP) is a benefit for people in Scotland between the age of 16 and pension age who need help taking part in everyday life or who find it difficult to get around. It is replacing personal independence payment (PIP), which remains in place in the rest of the UK.

ADP has been designed to treat claimants with ‘dignity, fairness and respect’. Whilst there have been a few significant changes to the eligibility rules (particularly the more generous rules if you are terminally ill), most remain the same as for PIP.

What is different is the way that that ADP is administered. In particular, face-to-face assessments, which can prove stressful, are avoided where possible. 

So, is ADP easier to claim than PIP?

Data published on 31 January 2023 show that 60% of ADP claims result in awards (30% of claims were being turned down and another 11% withdrawn). While these figures are an improvement on those for PIP, where only 43% of new claims result in awards (April 2023), the turn-down rate is still substantial. This results in raised hopes and dashed expectations for many.

For this reason, it is important that when you claim ADP, you understand the claim process and the best way of presenting your case. This can ensure that you provide Social Security Scotland with enough information to increase the chance of you being given the correct award in the least amount of time.

To this end, we have written a guide Adult Disability Payment: a Guide to the Benefit, which you can download from our website for free below.


Adult Disability Payment Guide - PDF

Adult Disability Payment Guide - Word document