New benefits training course with CPAG

News UK

We’re excited to announce the launch of Benefit Essentials, a new online training course designed for those who are new to benefits advice work. Developed in collaboration with CPAG, this two-morning course provides an essential introduction to the benefits system, with a focus on how to help people obtain benefits when they are unable to work due to a health condition or disability.

Benefit Essentials covers the structure of the welfare system and the difference between contributory, non-contributory, and means-tested benefits, and the eligibility requirements for each of these benefits. 

The training also includes a deep dive into disability benefits, providing participants with the tools and knowledge necessary to assist disabled people and/or clients with health conditions that affect their everyday lives.  

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Participants on this course will have exclusive access to discounts and resources tailored specifically by Disability Rights UK and CPAG, including a free 1-month trial of AskCPAG and a 10% discount on the Disability Rights Handbook (print and online).

Disability Rights UK and CPAG have a long history of successful collaboration. Both organisations are committed to supporting disabled people, and they share a common goal of ensuring that everyone has access to the financial support and resources they need to thrive.

Additional training courses for intermediate advisers to be announced soon!