International disability rights leading light Judy Heumann dies
Heumann’s work played a major part in the implementation of disability rights legislation in the United States.
Judy contracted polio in childhood and was a lifelong wheelchair user. She was the first wheelchair user to become a teacher in New York City.
Heumann was an internationally recognised leader of the disability rights movement whose activism led to the implementation of major legislation in the United States.
She served in the administrations of Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama and was featured in the Netflix film Crip Camp.
DR UK CEO Kamran Mallick said: “Judy’s example of tireless advocacy, demonstration, reason and campaigning for the rights of disabled people put spark to flame for many disability movements and DPOs across the world. She will be sorely missed. Her legacy will hold power for generations, and her example will continue to inspire Disabled people to be strong, determined voices for equity and change.”
There will be a livestream of her memorial service at 5pm UK time on Wednesday 8 March 2023.