Help Us Make a Real Difference at Disability Rights UK
Background to work
Disability Rights UK (DR UK) is an organisation led by, run by, and working for Disabled people. We work with Disabled People’s Organisations and Government across the UK to influence regional and national change for better rights, benefits, quality of life and economic opportunities for Disabled people. But we know that real change doesn’t happen unless we do things differently. That’s why we need your help to make something big happen.
We’re starting a major project to make sure that Disabled people are fully involved in everything we do. This way of working, otherwise known as co-production, isn’t just about consulting with people; it’s about working together with Disabled people and making sure their voices are heard in every decision we make. As the saying goes, “Nothing about us without us.” – we want to ensure that Disabled people are at the heart of all decisions that affect their lives.
This is a real commitment from us, and we want it to be a core part of everything we do at DR UK, from top to bottom. We are committed to making sure that co-production is embedded across the organisation in a way that is aligned, coordinated, and sustained.
What we’re doing
Over the next year, we will be putting in place everything we need to make sure co-production is embedded within our organisation. To do this effectively, we’ve partnered with the Co-production Collective, who are experts in supporting organisations like ours in this area. Together, we’ll create a lasting change across the organisation.
We’re setting up a Co-Production Group to guide us through this journey. We need a diverse group of individuals who can provide strategic advice, share their insights, and help shape the future of our work.
Who we’re looking for
We need people from a variety of backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences to make sure that we create the most inclusive, well-rounded approach possible. If you’re passionate about co-production, we’d love to hear from you.
As well as involving staff members at DR UK, we’re also looking for:
- Individuals with lived experience of Disability
- Representatives from external organisations and Disabled People’s Organisations
Whether you’re just starting out on your co-production journey or have been involved for some time, we want to hear from a broad range of people. We believe that diversity in experiences and knowledge is essential to ensure that all voices are heard.
What’s involved?
- Commitment: We plan to meet about once every 1-2 months over the next 2 years, for roughly 10 meetings. Each meeting will be held online via Zoom and will last 1.5-2 hours.
- Renumeration: We know that your time is valuable, and we want to make sure you’re properly compensated for your contribution. External members and organisations will receive £60 per meeting (1.5-2 hours), which can be paid via Amazon vouchers or bank transfer. We can also cover extra costs related to your involvement (to be discussed on an individual basis).
- Why Get Involved? By joining the Co-production Group, you’ll have the chance to share your expertise, gain new insights, and connect with others who are passionate about co-production. This is a unique opportunity to make a real impact on how DR UK works and ensure we’re doing the best possible work for Disabled people.
We Want to Hear from a Wide Range of People
We believe that co-production works best when it’s shaped by people who have diverse experiences. We particularly encourage people with intersectional experiences to get in touch, including but not limited to:
- Disabled people from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds
- Those with mental health challenges or learning disabilities
- People who identify as LGBTQIA+
- Those living in rural or isolated areas
- People with a range of impairments or health conditions
- Any other individuals with lived experience of multiple marginalisations
Are you interested?
To express your interest, please fill in this form by 5pm Tuesday 8th April 2025. You will be asked to answer the following questions:
1. What has motivated you to apply to be a co-producer as part of this work? [max 250 words]
2. Why you think you would be a good fit for this role? [max 250 words].
In this email, please include your contact email address and your full name.
We will choose applications based on your answers to the questions and how they meet the experience required for the role.
We will be in touch as soon as possible after the 8th April deadline. If you need assistance submitting your application, or have any queries about the role, please contact