Disabled people far more likely to die by suicide than non-disabled people

News UK

Disabled people are much more likely to die by suicide than non-Disabled people according to the latest data released from the 2021 Census.

For men, the figure for Disabled men was over three times higher – 48.36 deaths by suicide per 100,000 people compared to 15.88 deaths by suicide per 100,000 people for non-disabled men.

For women, the figure for Disabled women was over four times higher –  18.94 deaths by suicide per 100,000 people compared to 4.47 deaths by suicide per 100,000 people for non-disabled women.

Fazilet Hadi, Head of Policy at Disability Rights UK said: “The disproportionately high suicide rate amongst Disabled people is truly shocking. It is yet more evidence that Disabled people are the hardest hit by cuts in public services, reducing  incomes and rising costs. We face inadequate health and social care services, punitive benefit processes, low levels of benefits and wages and the huge impact of the cost of living crisis. Energy, food, housing and care  costs are spiralling out of control, leaving us cold, hungry, in debt and feeling abandoned.”


Source: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthandsocialcare/...