Daily Mirror lauded for disability coverage


The Daily Mirror's coverage of disability issues has contributed to it being named Newspaper of the Year at the London Press Awards.

Judges singled out the paper's disability series – which was written entirely by Disabled people – and its coverage of the Partygate scandal for special mention.

With writers including DR UK's media and communications lead Anna Morell, the disability series was edited by Rachel Charlton-Dailey, founder of The UnWritten – a platform for Disabled people to tell their stories authentically.

The week-long coverage, under the banner Disabled Britain: Doing it for Ourselves, covered issues ranging from social attitudes to politics and social media.

DR UK's Head of Policy, Fazilet Hadi, said: "We look forward to the day when the voices of Disabled people are part of the daily national conversation. However, the Daily Mirror's coverage has educated many people about a range of important issues and helped shatter some stereotypes and myths. Congratulations to Anna and the other contributors."