Comedian to host 24 hour Tell-A-Thon
To platform the experiences of Disabled people as part of her work on the documentary, Rosie will be canvassing for stories from the Disabled community for 24 hours during Rosie Jones' 24 Hour Tell-a-thon. Starting at 5pm on Tuesday 20th September until Wednesday 21st September, Rosie will meet people in person and host a live stream on her Instagram account where people can share their experiences and join in on other platforms using the hashtag #rosiejonestellathon.
Rosie wants to hear from Disabled People who have experienced prejudice, abuse, and discrimination, so people can better understand the challenges we face in society.
Rosie was inspired to create the Tell-a-thon after meeting disability rights campaigner Barbara Lisicki who helped kickstart the disability rights movement in the UK in the 1990s, which led to legislation that has changed the lives of Disabled People in Great Britain.
Rosie will be in Leeds for the 24 hour Tell-a-thon, meeting people in the city centre and visiting local disability groups. She will end the Tell-a-thon at 5pm on the Wednesday 21st September with special guests in Leeds City Square.
The Tell-a-thon will be filmed as part of a Channel 4 documentary which will air next year.
Email for more information.