PM asked to fix social care
The Care and Support Alliance (CSA) has responded to research from Age UK by calling on the new Prime Minister Liz Truss to urgently provide social care for around 2.6 million people aged 50 plus.
The 2.6 over-50s in this position are equivalent to 12%, or one in eight of the entire same age population in this country.
The research from Age UK found that people in this age category are not having their social care needs met such as washing, toileting, and eating and have called for huge investment in the care sector.
Age UK highlighted the problem that local authorities who are responsible for funding social care are facing enormous financial pressures, and further challenges such as people leaving the care profession and the fact that costs for providers are rising.
Dan White - DR UK Policy and Campaigns Officer - said: "The care sector was already buckling from the effects of Covid and low pay and now this research has shown that care is really in the danger zone. It's appalling to hear of people missing out on basic care needs at anytime in their lives and surely this research must be the final wake up call. We can only hope the new PM has a drive and passion to fix social care because it is very long overdue"
The Age UK report on the care crisis can be found on Age UK's website.