Join DR UK in campaigning for PEEPs


As part of DR UK's ongoing campaigning on Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs) - this week, we submitted a response to the Emergency Information Sharing (EEIS) consultation. DR UK's full consultation response can be found on our website, including an accessible word document. Claddag have also published a summary of the main issues.

The deadline to reply to the consultation is Sunday 21st August at 11:59pm. Any thoughts can also be sent to - - if you don't have time to answer the full survey. DR UK's response linked above, and Claddag's summary, are both available to use as a draft of the key issues if helpful.

This consultation comes after the Government have refused to make the implementation of PEEPs a legal duty on building owners and landlords, despite committing to implementing all Grenfell Inquiry recommendations. PEEPs would enable those who cannot escape a fire independently to know what to do should residents need to evacuate. Instead, the Government is now proposing Information Sharing over Evacuation Plans. More context on this issue can be found in past E-News stories.

DR UK have been working with Claddag (a Disabled leaseholder's group) and Grenfell bereaved and survivor groups to challenge this decision. Previous letters have been sent on the issue, including most recently to the Prime Minister, and we currently have a petition calling on the Government to deliver their previous commitment to implement the Grenfell Inquiry Recommendation.

Bethany Bale – DR UK Policy and Campaigns Officer – said: "the Government's information sharing proposals are nothing more than less effective PEEPs. Going ahead with this ineffective plan is going to put the lives of Disabled people at risk. The Government refused PEEPs on the grounds of "practicality", "proportionality" and "safety" – yet their alternative proposals are significantly less practical for residents and the fire service, and do not protect the safety of those who cannot self-evacuate. Disabled residents are protected under the Fire Safety Order just as non-Disabled residents are. The Government must implement PEEPs, as the Grenfell Inquiry recommended."

DR UK's petition calling for PEEPs is live until December and still needs signatures before parliament must respond to it. Please sign and share our petition, and please continue to donate and share Claddag's GoFundMe page to legally challenge the government's decision on PEEPs.