Government announces limited local employment support funding
The Department of Work & Pensions has announced new grant funding covering 24 local authority areas in England and Wales for local supported employment (LSE) schemes – an investment of £7.6 million over the next three years.
The Government says that each of the local authority areas will support between 60 and 140 adults with learning disabilities, autism or both to move into competitive employment and sustain that employment.
The support will include assigning job coaches who can carry out vocation profiling, engage employers and provide in-work support to help develop more careers.
Minister for Disabled People, Health and Work Chloe Smith said: “Disabled people deserve the same opportunities to start, stay and succeed in employment as everyone else. We know that those with autism and learning disabilities can face particular barriers to employment…We hope to break down those barriers and use local networks to help more disabled people reach their full potential.”
DR UK Head of Policy Fazilet Hadi said: “We welcome any investment in supporting Disabled people into work. However, £7.6 million over three years in 24 local authorities does not reflect the ambition and funding needed to close the disability employment gap. The Government must do far more to provide targeted support to Disabled job seekers. It also needs to involve Disabled People’s Organisations in shaping and delivering such schemes."