Progress on enforced hospitalisations ‘too slow’


new CQC report shows that not enough progress has been made to address the recommendations made by its 2020 Out of sight – who cares? restraint, segregation, and seclusion review. The latest report finds that there are still too many people in hospital, who often stay too long, do not always experience therapeutic care and are still subject to restrictive interventions.

In 2018 the Department of Health and Social Care commissioned the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to review the use of restrictive practices in services for people with a learning disability, autistic people, and people with mental distress. Progress on meeting the recommendations made by the CQC in its review has been limited, with just four of the seventeen recommendations made in the 2020 report being partially met, and thirteen not met.

The report highlights that although there are still too many people with a learning disability in hospital, this has nearly halved since March 2015. However, the number of autistic people has increased considerably over the same period.

Not enough progress has been made in reducing the use of restraint, and challenges persist in the system which are preventing people from accessing early intervention and crisis support in the community. This can be particularly difficult for autistic people.

The report also highlights persistent challenges with the commissioning of services. Currently people are fitted into services that are available, rather than providing support tailored to the individual’s needs. Commissioners are often not working in partnership with people, their families and between different organisations when delivering services.