Disability Rights UK AGM 2021


Disability Rights UK 
AGM 2021  

We are delighted to invite you to our Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Wednesday 24th November from 1.30pm to 3.30pm. 

Join us to hear about what we have done in the past year, how we responded to the pandemic and our plans for the futureMeet the Leadership Team in a panel session to hear from them about the last year and plans for the future, the challenges and opportunities. You will be able to ask questions of the team as well. 

As the effects of the pandemic continue to affect us, we are asking that all members cast their votes in advance via online or by post.  

Members of DR UK will be sent an information pack and it can also be downloaded through the links below. Please remember to cast your votes if you are a member by 22nd November 2021.  


If you would like to become a member or you have any queries please emails us members@disabilityrightsuk.org or call us on 0330 995 0400. 

If you submitted your forms online please send completed forms to members@disabilityrightsuk.org

If posting your voting forms please note that they need to arrive by 22nd November. You should post completed forms to: 

AGM 2021 
Disability Rights UK 
Plexal, Here East 
14 East Bay Lane 
E20 3BS

BSL interpretation and live captioning will be available.