Tell MPs your experiences of applying for PIP and ESA


The Work and Pensions Committee has launched a survey to hear about first-hand experiences of the ESA.

The survey is open to everyone who has had an assessment to claim PIP or who has had a Work Capability Assessment, either to claim ESA or as part of a Universal Credit claim.

The survey is part of the Committee’s inquiry which is examining the effectiveness of the application and assessment processes for benefits paid to disabled people and people with long-term health conditions, amid continuing concerns about the problems being experienced by people making claims.

The Committee has previously heard that the application and assessment processes for health-related benefits are often flawed, with a majority of people who appeal against decisions made by the DWP being successful.

Stephen Timms MP, Chair of the Work and Pensions Committee, said:

“We hear all too often about the problems that people have when being assessed for PIP and ESA, both on the Committee and as constituency MPs, but progress in improving the assessments has been slow.

DWP has said it is currently thinking about how they can be made better, and we think that the views of people who have had PIP or ESA assessments are vital to doing this effectively.

Mr. Timms added:

"We want to hear directly from people who have been through assessments about how the assessment went, and what needs to change to make the process better in the future.”

The full list of questions included in the Work and Pensions Committee survey is available here.

You can complete the Work and Pensions Committee survey here.

The survey will be open until mid-February 2022.

An Easy Read version of the survey will be available in December 2021.

If you would like to be informed when it is ready, or you need any adjustments to help you fill in the survey, contact the Work and Pensions Committee by email on and by phone on 0207 219 8976.

DR UK’s submission to the Committee’s Health and benefits inquiry is available here.