Shielding to end from 1 April


More than 3.79 million clinically extremely vulnerable people in England are to be told they are no longer advised to shield from Thursday 1 April 2021.

People on the shielded patient list will be told they can begin to follow national restrictions alongside the rest of the population, but are still advised to take extra precautions to keep themselves safe from COVID-19.

Letters to patients with updated guidance will be sent, starting from today, over the next two weeks, setting out practical steps people should take to reduce the risk of catching the virus, including continuing to maintain strict social distancing, to keep overall social contacts at low levels and to work from home if possible.

Over 90% of shielders – clinically extremely vulnerable people – have now had a first vaccination. 

Local councils and supermarkets will continue to provide support for shielders until 31 March, with supermarket delivery slots continuing to be available until 21 June 2021.

DR UK Head of Policy Fazilet Hadi said: “The formal ending of the shielding programme will affect people in different ways. Some will feel relief that an end is in sight for the mental torture of enforced isolation, while others will feel that there is no real change, as they haven’t had any meaningful support for several months.

“There is also a small pool of people who cannot have the vaccine for medical reasons who will now be left without any support, such as priority food deliveries after mid-June, and workers who may be called upon to return to work with no right to insist upon home working  .

“The government needs to provide clear information to this pool of people on how their health can continue to be safeguarded while society returns to some sort of normal.

“People who still feel anxious or need some level of support, should talk to their GP, local authority and local voluntary services.”