We are looking for our next Chair of Trustees


Since its foundation in 2012 DR UK has significantly grown in profile, influence and reputation. In 2022 we celebrate 10 years of our organisation working together with Disabled People leading change. Our organisation is rooted in the Social Model of Disability and takes a rights-based approach. It is made up of individual Disabled members and member organisations led by and for Disabled People. Disabled People’s lived experience drives us to speak truth to power. We are looking for an individual who shares our ambitions and values to lead the Board into the next exciting period for DR UK and further grow the organisation’s impact. This is at a time when we need to tackle the inequality faced by all Disabled People in the UK. The pandemic has shown how our hard-won rights can be easily swept away by new legislation.

The Board is currently made up of eleven people with varied professional experience and lived experience of disability. Board members have personal experience in areas such as Social Care, the benefits system, grassroots activism, advocacy, charity governance, marketing, equality and diversity and finance. Our current Chair is due to step down from the Board after four years. In that time he has worked to create a robust governance structure, a stable financial platform for the future. Over the past three years, he has been working to ensure that diversity and inclusion are embedded into organisational culture.

The role is for someone passionate about equality and our human rights, someone who understands the importance of the Social Model of Disability as the driving force for change. The role will be challenging, Disabled People are a broad church with differing views and opinions requiring DR UK to have consideration and care when driving a path to the inclusive society we want. The role is rewarding and brings with it public recognition, and you will be supported by a committed and skilful Board, CEO and staff team. We campaign for the rights of all Disabled People to be included in every aspect of life. We bring the lived experiences of Disabled People to everything we do. We challenge policymakers, institutions and individuals to remove the barriers that exist for us. As Chair, you will be at the heart of this aim and should be willing to defend and promote our role publicly.

We are a small organisation but we punch far above our weight. In 2020/21 the Board set a new refreshed strategy which is based on delivering our recently created theory of change. We look forward to receiving your application.

To find out more information about the role and how to apply please visit the Prospect Us website: Chair - Disability Rights UK - Prospectus (prospect-us.co.uk)

Recruitment Timetable

  • Deadline for applications: Monday 26th July
  • Interviews with Prospectus: w/c 9th August
  • Interviews with DR UK: w/c 6th September and w/c 13th September

Kamran Mallick
Chief Executive Officer
Disability Rights UK

To find out more information about the role and how to apply please visit the Prospect Us website: Chair - Disability Rights UK - Prospectus (prospect-us.co.uk)