Call for stronger Government regulation on protecting Disabled people from fire


Disability groups are urged to respond to the Government’s consultation on Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans for Disabled residents. Disability Rights UK, Leaseholders Disability Action Group and Grenfell Next of Kin have highlighted four key areas where Government proposals need to be strengthened.

Government regulations must make it absolutely clear that the responsibility for communicating the purpose of Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs) to residents and explaining their vital role in the event of fire, is placed firmly on building owners and managers. The height of a building should not matter. All Disabled residents who need a Plan should have one. Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans should clearly state what is needed for a safe evacuation and the document should be provided in accessible formats. Plans should be stored securely and be regularly updated.

A sample response has been drafted to make it easier for disability groups and Disabled individuals to respond:

Download the sample response PDF.

Download the sample response word document.

The consultation closes on 19 July. This is the only window for people to give their views, as following the consultation, regulations will be laid before Parliament.

Fazilet Hadi, Head of Policy at Disability Rights UK said: “41% of the Disabled residents of Grenfell Tower died in the fire. Every Disabled resident that needs a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan should have the absolute right to have one. People should also have any evacuation aids that they need to escape their homes and the costs of this should not fall on Disabled people.

The Government needs to demonstrate that protecting Disabled people from fire is of the highest priority and to put measures in place to make this a reality.”