Sajid Javid asked to meet with Disabled people on social care reform
Following over 500 Disabled people, disability organisations and allies signing the Social Care Statement, Disability Rights UK has written to the new Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, attaching the Statement, and asking that he meets with representatives of the Disabled People's movement as a matter of urgency.
The letter asks that Disabled people are central to social care reform and are directly engaged with, that social care enables us to lead full and active lives, that our rights are strengthened and that a system is designed which doesn't result in a lottery of care, financial burden falling on us or increased bureaucracy.
Fazilet Hadi, Head of Policy at Disability Rights UK said " It is great that over 500 of us have signed the Social Care Statement. Please carry on showing support by signing the Statement at -
Social Care Reform; improving Disabled people’s lives | Disability Rights UK
Our letter asks the new Secretary of State to take a fresh look at the current process of engagement on social care reform, which is largely excluding Disabled people when we should be central to current discussions"