Disability Rights UK is recruiting


We’re recruiting – kickstart vacancies

Disability Rights UK is looking to hire two young people to join our team, via the Kickstart Programme. We have two Programme Assistant vacancies within dynamic areas of our work - one within our Disability & Skills Unit; and another in our Get Yourself Active Team. People with lived experience of disability are welcome to apply.

The Kickstart Programme aims to create jobs for those aged between 16-24 and in receipt of Universal Credit.  The roles last for six months, are paid at national minimum or national living wage depending on age, and are for twenty five hours per week. As well as on the job training, the roles will include employability support for future career progression. The roles will be varied, covering areas including research, writing for our newsletters, posting on social media, planning and participating in internal and external meetings, and much more.

Further information can be accessed by clicking here. To apply for the roles, as with all Kickstart opportunities, please contact your local Jobcentre Plus / Universal Credit Work Coach. Should you have any questions please contact us at recruitment@disabilityrightsuk.org, or telephone 0330 995 0400.