The consequences of poor DWP decision making: case studies needed


Sally Hunt of the Administrative Justice Council has highighted the below to us:

The Advice Sector Panel of the Administrative Justice Council  is working on a project to highlight, amongst other things, the consequences to the claimant of poor decision-making by the DWP in relation to PIP and ESA claims and reassessments.  The resultant report will seek to offer ways in which decision-making could be improved.

We are looking for case studies to include in the report that illustrate the wide-ranging knock-on effects to individuals who then went on to have DWP decisions overturned at the tribunal stage.

We want to shine a light on problems that claimants face while waiting for reconsiderations and tribunal hearing dates, such as –

  • Debt
  • Rent arrears, leading to the threat of homelessness and/or the use of local authority housing departments
  • Loss of a mobility vehicle
  • Reliance on food banks
  • Deterioration in health, including mental health, leading to an increased use of local services such as GP visits, consultant appointments
  • Reliance on family or friends for caring duties

Anonymised case studies (half to a full A4 page in length) should be sent to by Friday 30 April 2021. If you would like to participate using another method, please contact us on 0330 995 0400.