Scrap the Coronavirus Act provisions
Restore the rights of disabled people
The government is being urged to restore the rights of disabled people in advance of the House of Commons debate on the six month review of the Coronavirus Act which will take place on 30 September.
The Coronavirus Act was passed in March, giving powers to central and local government to reduce the rights of disabled people to care, education and mental health protections. No other group of people had their rights removed under the Act.
A group of over 150 organisations including Disability Rights UK, Inclusion London, Liberty and Mind and individuals have signed an open statement asking the government to withdraw the sections of the Act relating to disabled people and to restore our rights.
DR UK CEO Kamran Mallick said: “Almost two thirds of the deaths caused by Coronavirus between March and July were those of disabled people. As we move into winter and an increase in the rate of infection, the government needs to do more to support and protect disabled people. Removing our rights is not an acceptable strategy. What is needed is a level of funding sufficient to see local authorities through this winter, which will maintain the full rights of disabled people to the provisions they are entitled to under the Care Act.”
Scrap the Coronavirus Act provisions
We the undersigned call on the Government to restore and protect the rights of disabled people by removing the powers from the Coronavirus Act 2020 which diminish the rights of those who rely on social care and education support. These powers were opposed by disabled people and allies, when they were introduced, have caused confusion and harm when operated and led to reductions in care, support, safeguards and education for disabled adults and children.
The evidence is clear as to the lethal and disproportionate impact this pandemic has had on disabled people. ONS figures show that disabled people have made up two thirds of all Coronavirus deaths and people with health conditions have been the hardest hit. Seven in ten people with a learning disability reported having their social care cut during the pandemic. With the potential of a second wave, it is imperative that the rights of disabled people are protected, not diminished.
The Coronavirus Act contains provisions allowing local authorities to reduce vital social care duties, weakens support and education for disabled children and young people, and enables the removal of basic legal safeguards that could severely impact the rights of people coming into contact with the mental health system.
At a time when people need care, support, safeguards and education the most, the powers for central and local government to reduce their legal responsibilities to disabled people are wholly unacceptable.
Our lives must be valued equally. Removing our rights causes us disadvantage and discrimination, and puts our mental and physical health and our lives at risk.
As the Coronavirus Act approaches its six-month review, now is the time to recognise the devastating impact the exercise of these powers has had and to restore the legal rights of disabled people.
Email your MP to ask them to stand up for the restoration of our rights here.
- Baroness Jane Campbell of Surbiton
- A Patterson
- AccessiBlues
- Action Disability Kensington and Chelsea
- Action on Disability
- Action on Hearing Loss
- Actors' Children Trust
- Age UK
- Alison Bancroft
- Alliance for Inclusive Education
- Amnesty UK
- Anand Kumria
- Andy Fiolet
- Angela Qasir
- Ann Langrishe
- Anne Sudbury
- Asipre Day Services Ltd
- Baby People Ltd
- Being the Boss
- Bernadine McKay
- Beverley Townley
- Black Belt Advocacy
- Black Women's Rape Action Project
- Bobbie-Leigh Brandybuck
- Bradford & District Disabled People's Forum
- Breakthrough
- Brian Stocker
- Bristol Disabled People Against the Cuts (DPAC)
- Bristol Reclaiming Independent Living
- British Institute of Human Rights
- Bromley Experts by Experience
- Business Disability Form
- Cait Ni Cadlaig
- Camden Disability Action
- Carmarthenshire Disability Coalition for Action
- Carol Goatham
- Carol Lamb
- Catherine O'Brien
- Chloe Leanneadduocchio
- Centre for Mental Health
- Changing Perspectives
- Charity Retail Association
- Chris Gravell
- Chris Kilby
- Chrissy Hughes
- Christina Robinson
- Chronic Illness Inclusion Project
- Claire Smith
- Community Catalysts
- D O'Beirne
- David Grundy
- David Hiley - Parent of disabled young man
- David King
- Deidre Sellars
- Dianna Gunby
- Directory of Social Change
- Disability Advice Service Lambeth
- Disability Law Service
- Disability Network Hounslow
- Disability North
- Disability Peterborough
- Disability Positive
- Disability Rights UK
- Disability Sheffield
- Disabild People Against Cuts
- Divers Cymru
- DPAC Birmingham
- DPAC North East and Cumbria
- Dragonfly Arts
- Eastbourne Access Group
- Erica Thomas
- Eva Grace
- Evenbreak
- Fibro Fighters
- Fibromyalgia UK
- Finding My Range
- Frances Thurgood
- Freya Papworth
- Gillian Matischen
- Gillian Spence
- Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People
- Greater Manchester Disabled Peoples Panel
- Greenwich DPAC
- Hammersmith and Fulham Coalition Against the Cuts
- Harrow Association of Disabled People
- Harrow Mencap
- Hassan Abdulwahid
- Heather Hooper
- Helen Fletcher
- Helen Jamison
- Helen Wrobel
- Helen Wrobel - Mother & informal carer of daughter with a disability
- Ida Fransson
- Include Me TOO
- Inclusion Barnet
- Inclusion London
- Independet Living Alternatives
- Into Art
- Imperial College UCU (p.c.)
- Jacky Stevens
- Janes Hughes
- Janice Johnson
- Jayne Linney
- Jayne Phillips
- Jean Glaves
- Jeanette Dodd
- Jennifer Drew
- Jennifer Pinkney
- Jenny Brazier
- Jenny Carter
- Joan Wilson
- Jordan Gold, Mrs
- Judith Barrow
- Judy Davies
- Julia Smith - Service User - Walsall West Midlands
- Kaleidoscope Group
- Karen Steward
- Katie Mountcastle Trust
- Keith Shaw
- Kenny Shand
- KeyRing Living Support Network
- Kisharon
- Labour Pary CLP Disability Officer - Sue Horne
- Laura Murria
- Learning Disability England
- Lee Kilminster
- Leeds Disabled Peoples Organisation
- Leicestershire Centre for Independent Living
- Leilah Atkins
- Leonard Cheshire
- Lesley Rodgers
- Liberal Democrats Disability Association
- Liberty
- Lisa Marie Wilkinson
- Lisa Swindell
- London Autistic Rights Movement
- Lorna McWilliam
- Louise Crowley
- Lucy Watts MBE
- Lyn Brady
- Lynn Denham - Worcester City Councillor
- Lynda Gold, Mrs - Parent / Carer
- Making Connections IOW Ltd
- Manchester Disabled People's Access Group
- Manchester Disabiled People Against Cuts
- Manchester Disability Partnership Board
- Margaret Page
- Margaret Tomlinson
- Maria Hart
- Marina
- Maureen Closs
- McPin
- Mental Capacity Forum
- Mental Health Alliance
- Merton CIL
- Miriam Moreno Perez
- Motor Neurone Disease Association
- My Life My Choice
- Natalie Foster
- Natasha Bonner-Williams - Community Services
- National Survivor User Network
- National Voices
- Neil Boyd
- Nicki Linney - Private Carer
- No More Exclusions
- Papworth Trust
- Parish Church of St. Mary the Virgin - David Stuttle
- Pat Bolland
- Pathways Associates (NWTDT) Network of Organisations
- Paul Gibbons
- Paul Turner
- Paul Whittingham
- People First Self Advocacy
- Peter H. Orr
- Peter Thurgood
- Positive Signs
- Protect
- Reclaiming our Futures Alliance
- Rethink Mental Illness
- Richard Lloyd-Jones
- Richard Taunton Sixth Form College
- Richmond Aid
- Ricovery In The Bin
- Rose Grayston
- Royal College of Occupational Therapists
- RTSFC - Hilra Gondim Vinha
- Sarah Gorman
- Sarah Tranter
- Shaping our Lives
- Sheila Brazier
- Sign Health
- Spectrum Centre for Independent Living CIC
- Spirit UK
- Steve Waller
- Sunderland People First
- Surrey Coalition of Disabled People
- Tereza Shortfall
- The Challenging Behaviour Foundation
- Thomas More Project
- Tony Urquhard
- Tracey Davidson
- Transport for All
- Tricia Williams
- Unite Community Birmingham
- University of Edinburgh
- Vick Forfar
- Visual Impaired in Camden
- VoiceAbility
- Voluntary Organisations Disability Group
- Wesley Frost
- Wheels for Wellbeing
- Willem
- William Hendrie
- Wiltshire Centre for Independent Living
- WinVisible
- Wish
- Womachack - Lisa and Bill Markham
- Women’s Resource Centre
- Your Support Matter CIC
- Z2K