Free DR UK Disability Rights Handbook Coronavirus Supplement available now


The benefit system has undergone swift change due to the Coronavirus (covid-19) outbreak.

Most of these changes are detailed in our recently published Disability Rights Handbook 2020/2021.

But in a special free supplement we bring them together.

We also include schemes and changes where details have only come to light following publication of the new 45th edition.

Footnotes link these changes to the relevant part of the Handbook.

The ways that benefits may be claimed during the outbreak, and the different rules that apply, are all listed in our special supplement.

All the changes will also be listed - along with all new later ones - in the June and subsquent editions of our Disability Rights Handbook Updater 2020/2021.

Download our Disability Rights Handbook Coronavirus Supplement (pdf format).

Our Disability Rights Handbook Coronavirus Supplement (word format).

Full details of how to order our 2020/2021 Disability Rights Handbook and bi-monthly Handbook Updater are available @