DWP seeking Chair of Health and Safety Executive
Chair of the Health and Safety Executive
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is a Crown Non-Departmental Public Body sponsored by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). It is responsible for the prevention of workplace illness, injury and death across the UK.
HSE conducts a wide range of activities includes overseeing major hazard safety regimes (including offshore oil and gas and onshore chemical processing), workplace inspections, accident investigations, policy development and publishing guidance and research.
The HSE Board oversees all these activities and is responsible for delivering Government policy and advising Government on health and safety issues.
HSE is a well-respected, world-class regulator but needs to tackle the future by developing innovative, modern strategic approaches to influence further improvements. HSE continues to drive efficiencies in all that it does and is also seeking to grow its commercial income.
DWP is seeking a Chair with a range of established skills and competences to help set HSE’s strategic direction to 2025 and beyond, drive regulatory excellence and oversee the organisation’s governance arrangements. The successful candidate will be collaborative, persuasive and have the ability to engage productively and effectively with a very broad range of key stakeholders as HSE continues to develop and influence the health and safety agenda. The appointment will be made by the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions for a fixed term of up to five years.
For further information about the role, please download the candidate pack at http://publicappointments.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/appointment/health-and-safety-executive-hse-chair/ or contact the DWP ALB Public Appointments Team on 0207 7449 7181 or 020 7449 7437 or e-mail alb.publicappointments@dwp.gsi.gov.uk
DWP and HSE is committed to providing services which embrace diversity and which promote equality of opportunity. As an employer, we are also committed to equality and valuing diversity within our workforce. Our goal is to ensure that these commitments, reinforced by our Values, are embedded in our day-to-day working practices with all our customers, colleagues and partners. We do not discriminate on the basis of age, disability, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, religion or belief, race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, or (in Northern Ireland) community background, working pattern, employment status, gender identity (transgender), caring responsibility, trade union membership.
Recruiter: Department for Work and Pensions
Location: National
Salary: £84,000 plus reasonable expenses, 3 days per week
Posted: 14 April 2020
Closes: 10 May 2020
Job Function: Chair
Industry: Public