DR UK statement on Dominic Cummings’ reasons for travel during lockdown


Disability Rights UK’s Head of Policy Fazilet Hadi said: “We are incensed and incredulous that the government is excusing Dominic Cummings’ needless travel, particularly as many people in the disabled community have, rightly, been instructed to do the exact opposite and shield, without movement, often with inadequate adjustments and resources to do so safely.

“There are countless families up and down the country who have survived COVID-19, alone, without carers and PAs, with children with physical, mental and behavioural impairments, who have adhered to this lockdown to the letter, because it is the right thing to do, not just for their families, but for the greater good.

“Families who have disabilities have a raw deal at the best of times. During the Coronavirus lockdown, we have had our rights to care reduced by law, we have seen our carers and PAs abandon us due to necessary isolation periods and lack of PPE, we have had huge difficulty accessing groceries and medicines as suppliers and supermarkets struggled to adapt, and we have endured the increased costs that come with less choices for living, without an increase in the money we need to live on.

“That government is now excusing one of its senior employees for breaking the rules is a slap in the face for every single disabled parent and family with a disabled child, who has locked down, stood fast with their community, endured hardship, and endured Coronavirus symptoms with little to no support.

“Disabled people who have had to shield have had no contact with the outside world for close to three months. Many live in flats, with no access even to sunshine and fresh air, let alone outside exercise.

“The government would do well to remind itself that we are all in this together. That the rules are not a pick and mix. And that in such circumstances, its inner circle needs to lead by example, not convenience.”