Access to supermarket shopping
DR UK Head of Policy Fazilet Hadi has given evidence to the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Select Committee on the serious challenges disabled people are encountering in shopping for food during the crisis. Many people with mental health conditions, learning disabilities, sensory impairments and mobility difficulties are continuing to find shopping difficult.
She called on supermarkets to talk to disabled people’s organisations about what reasonable adjustments they should put in place, to enable us to exercise choice and control.
To hear Fazilet’s evidence go to Parliamentary TV:
Fazilet’s evidence was also covered on the 15 May edition of the radio programme Today in Parliament, which can be found through BBC Sounds.
The department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs are now working to enable Local Authorities to access deliveries for disabled people and those with long-term health conditions. It is hoped that over the coming weeks, more Local Authorities will sign up to this scheme.
The Department has also collated information on commercial food deliveries: