Participants needed for research project examining how the benefits system has responded to Covid 19
Salford University working with University of Leeds, LSE and the University of Kent are carrying out independent research to explore how the benefits system nationally has responded to the Coronavirus pandemic.
The “Welfare at a Social Distance project” aims to provide new and original evidence that will help us understand the benefit system during the crisis, how well it has responded, and what could be changed to improve how it is working.
The researchers are carrying out interviews with 80 benefit claimants from across England over the next year in receipt of Universal Credit; Jobseekers Allowance; Employment and Support Allowance or Tax Credits. They want to understand if people are getting the income they need, and whether they are receiving the right support.
Participants will be interviewed twice, with around 9 to 12 months in between each interview. The interviews will take place online or over the phone by a trained University researcher.
Participants will receive a £20 voucher per one hour interview.
More information is available here.
If you want to ask any further questions about the research or want to know more about taking part, then please contact Dr Kate Summers of the LSE @