Life after Lockdown project launched: share your ideas on what social security and private sector housing should look like
The campaigning anti-poverty charity Z2K has today launched a new project called #LifeAfterLockdown.
Z2K says:
“Throughout lockdown, Z2K has teamed up with Sound Delivery to run online workshops with the people we support. These have brought isolated people together to talk about their experiences of the housing and social security systems, and about what they want life after lockdown to look like.
Participants have turned their thoughts into audio and video recordings and over the course of this week we will be sharing these on our website, Twitter and Facebook using the hashtag #LifeAfterLockdown.
We would really it appreciate it if you could support us by sharing your thoughts on what the housing and social security systems should look after lockdown using the hashtag #LifeAfterLockdown.
We’re really open to people developing their own #LifeAfterLockdown asks.
Z2K’s asks will be relating to Universal Credit and the private rental sector specifically:
- Private rental housing:
- Mandatory, funded and enforced licensing schemes
- Increase housing benefit to cover median rents
- Remove the benefit cap
- End ‘no-fault’ evictions
- Bring in deposit 'passporting'
Universal Credit:
- Keep the extra £20 for UC after Covid
- Bring benefits in line with the cost of living
- Scrap sanctions and conditionality
- End benefits stigma
We hope you will join us in sharing your thoughts on how the social security and housing systems could adequately support everyone in life after lockdown.”
For a video about the project and how to share your experiences and ideas see Life After Lockdown available from
You cna follow Z2K on Facebook Twitter and LinkedIn.