Get ‘Fired Up’ for National Apprenticeship Week 2020


National Apprenticeship Week 2020 takes place 3 to 9 February 2020.

This annual celebration of apprenticeships will bring the whole apprenticeship community together to celebrate the impact of apprenticeships on individuals, employers and the economy.

We are encouraging the apprenticeship community to get behind the week in a number of ways:

Employers: support our ‘Making Impact’ theme by hosting events in the workplace, over the course of the week, with parent panels, workplace tours, apprentice and manager Q&As and presentations from current and past apprentices. Employers can also join the #AskAnEmployer Q&A on Twitter, taking place from 12 to 2pm on Thursday 6 February

Apprentices: encourage your employer to host an event for potential apprentices and parents and take part in our social media ‘Making Impact’ activity by sharing graphics and content with your followers. Apprentices can also join the #AskAnApprentice Q&A on Twitter, taking place from 12 to 2pm on Wednesday 5 February

Teachers: join the Big Assembly broadcast, taking place on 3 February and host a parents evening with experts, including the Apprenticeship Support and Knowledge for Schools and Colleges programme, current apprentices and parents of apprentices

Parents: share your experience of having a child complete an apprenticeship and the benefits you’ve seen it deliver for them, either in your local school, child’s workplace or across social media channels; please also encourage your child to share their positive apprenticeship experiences where they can too.

Fire It Up

The Apprenticeships Campaign

The first burst of the apprenticeships campaign launched on the 17th January, successfully inspiring and exciting key groups and influencers around our ‘Fire It Up’ idea. Using our learnings from the first burst, we’ve been able to refine our messaging and ramp up our creative assets, in order to deliver an even more exciting second phase. The materials in this pack ‘Fire It Up’ have been prepared to give you information and guidance on the campaign so you can amplify it through your own channels and networks.

Apprentice: I’m proud of what I’ve achieved as an #apprentice and excited to be supporting the government’s ‘FireItUp’ campaign, Check it out: Let’s #FireItUp

Employer: We are proud of all our #apprentices and are delighted to support the government’s campaign – you can find the website, with more information on how you can benefit from hiring #apprentices here: #FireItUp

Please find a link to the Fire It Up campaign toolkit here. This contains all the new campaign assets and some suggested social media posts to support you in showcasing your support for apprenticeships.

Post your apprenticeship vacancies on our Find an Apprenticeship portal - a free service which receives over half a million visitors per month. You can do this via

For more information see:

For social media posts: @FireItUp_Apps #FireItUp