Support our Marathon runners


Ciaran Galvin and Evan Odell are running the London Marathon this year for Disability Rights UK. Ciaran says: "If like me, when you see the word 'disability', you think physically disabled, then you are only seeing part of the picture in terms of the work that Disability Rights UK does. Disability in this context has a far broader definition, including grave illness, such as cancer, and mental health.

“My mum worked in the care sector for most of her life until she was diagnosed with cancer, and was a champion for equality and fairness. This is my attempt to support a charity that may be less well-known, but shares these same values and supports many cancer charities and sufferers to ensure they receive fair treatment, can participate equally, and live as normal a life as possible, as my own mum was able to do for three years after being diagnosed."

Ciaran’s Just Giving page can be found here: and Evan’s Just Giving page can be found here:

The London Marathon will take place on Sunday 26 April 2020.