DWP announces regional workshop events


The DWP is holding three new regional workshop events “to hear directly from disabled people, disabled people’s organisations and charities” on social security reform.

The Department says that it wants “to hear directly from people with disabilities and health conditions who have had direct experience of the services provided by the Department, and the organisations that represent them. We want to hear about how we could improve our welfare and employment services in the future.”

There is an event on 13 February in Whitehaven, another on 14 February in Pontypridd (aimed at those with experience of claiming a disability benefit and a third event on 2 March in Wisbech (this event is targeted at those with experience or interest in employment support).

For more information (including Welsh language information), or to book spaces at these events,  email disability.consultationevents@dwp.gov.uk or call 0207 282 4446.

Spaces can also be booked via the following links:

Whitehaven: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/department-of-work-and-pensions-user-event-in-cumbria-tickets-89220056591?utm_term=eventurl_text

Pontypridd: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/department-of-work-and-pensions-user-event-in-wales-tickets-89952693929

Wisbech: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/department-for-work-and-pensions-wisbech-event-tickets-93467558985

The three new DWP events follow on from similar events that it held last year. See here for information on those:
